Race & Rally Parts

Porsche 991.2 GT3R + Huge stock of parts - SOLD
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Porsche 991.2 GT3R for sell at: €330,000.00
€175k worth of brand new parts for sell at: €87,900.00
Car + Parts : €417,900.00 (Car & parts for sell together only)
Pictures of the car & Complete spare parts list available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/m1g3qedz5vdjb74jmp92j/h?rlkey=pw5vw97j58gvgn6ffpt4cqslw&dl=0
Year Model: 2019
Vin #: WPO ZZZ 99 ZKS 199 526
Color: OEM white Porsche & carbon.
Running time:
Mileage: 7917 km
Chassis: 2190 km
Engine: 15 Hour
Gearbox: 15 Hour
Dampers: 7917 km
Driveshaft: Right side 15h Hour
Together with the car:
- 3 extra sets of rims (With TPMS)
- Huge stock of parts worth about €175k (Pls refer to excel file)
- Endurance package
- Brake Temp & damper travel sensors
- Data cable
- Fuel line removal
- Wheel nut socket
- Airjack lance
Expiration dates:
Seat belts: Not valid after 2024
Windows net: Not valid after 2028
Seat: Not valid after 2028
Fire extinguisher: August 2024
Fuel Cell: Expired (Jan 2024)
Purchased from Porsche Germany at the beginning of 2019, the car participated in two races in Blancpain Asia and the Spa 24 Hours in 2019. Following a serious crash at the Spa 24 Hours in 2019, we replaced the chassis. Additionally, the engine and gearbox were rebuilt by Porsche Germany. Due to the accident, numerous body and mechanical parts have been replaced.
Owing to the COVID-19 situation in Asia, the car didn’t run on track between Jan 2020 to March 2023, and only did the Sepang 8h in March 2023 since Spa 2019.
The car is currently race-ready and includes all the PMRSI updates up to December 2021.
We are selling the car along with a huge stock of parts valued at approximately €175,809.78 offered at a 50% discount. The stock includes numerous body parts, drivetrain components, brake pads, and discs, among others. All parts are brand new unless otherwise specified in the Excel file.
Detailed parts list in the excel file available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/m1g3qedz5vdjb74jmp92j/h?rlkey=pw5vw97j58gvgn6ffpt4cqslw&dl=0
Currently, the car is located at the Sepang International Circuit.
Contact: Pierre Rigaudin at pierre@modenamotorsports.com