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£ 14,950

Van Diemen RF89 - SOLD

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We have had this car  an number of years  ( since 2018) and totally re built it 

Its hardly been out in the last 5 years however every time its been out it has been on the podium

2nd in 2022 WHT 2nd Janet Ceaser ,

Numerous NW wins

last year 2nd at croft BRSCC

Winner of the Neil Cunningham at the WHT 2019

Light weight body work

Floating dics  rebuilt brakes Alloy disc bells on lightened discs 

2 Sets of wheels 

In date fire extigusher and belts 

AIMM dash / logger with senors 

Light weight body work with ali rads 


In date Belts

2 sets of wheels and tyres 

Swept lower side exhaust system

Adjustable dampers

Stainless floor 

The driver is over 6ft  but manages to fit in it 

Bang on the weight 

Some spares available   

zero Hours Bold engine is avaiable at an extra cost

Not available seperatly at present 

Great car for the BRSCC super classic and MSVR  Heritage -series 

Ideal for the WHT

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Van Diemen RF 89

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